Thursday 13 March 2014

Con te Partiro


Con te Partiro

Assalamualaikum,  i am Mohammad Ashraff Bin Mohammad Sabri, firstly wanted to apologise of my wrongdoings while in your class in 14 weeks with you. in 3/14/14 at 8am until 11am is the final class of bell hell. thank you Mr. Airil for taught us a good lesson in critical thinking in this part 5. you always taught me to think critically and act critically. nowadays i can use this set of thinking for a better future when i went for work. you taught me how to brave and ignore ejekan orang lain when we try answering people question... u make me brave to speak in English and answering the questions in correct manners for example using the must words such as 'please' and 'thanks'. you have enlighten me to speak English and my speaking is much better from the last semester. its seem to be a better start to speak at your class.You also taught us on how to be punctual in time to attend the class, and any lateness will be punished by using persembahan that everyone in the class scared, and that is why i never come late to your class at all. that really inspired me, nowadays i can get up early in the morning. teech, i will never forget you, and i will never forget your gelak, suare tinngi teech, your serious face, your psiko face and i will never foget my memories in bell through out the 14 weeks that sy dah lalui. the most i will not forget is the time we watching laskar pelangi, teech tertawa masa tuhh, dan saya tidak akan penah lupa kepada teech. i cannot repay your kindness your effort to make me realise to target my future. i can only repay your effort with doa di dalam solat saya tiap2 hari supaya teech sihat tubuh badan, dimurahkan rezeki, umur yang panjang dan berdoa supaya teech wont forget us in AAC1105D. Teech(pibull malaysia), thanks again for the ice-cream.. heheheheehe...  i hope i can see you in the future, maybe 5 or 10 years more. im really hope that... thanksssss... thats all from me acap... mr haiiii... last but not least... goodbye... enjoy your life... till next time... Assalamualaikum...


Con Te Partiro

assalamualaikum and hello!

tomorrow will be the end of semester 5 and of course bel class. its sad to say goodbye because i having a great time in bel class. i have learn many things from starting until the end. to teech i would like to say thank you for this 14 weeks. i felt happy and enjoy to attend you class and most important thing is you as my lecturer. i never imagine to have a lecturer like you. yang psycho, suka kelas bising, bagi makanan dekat kami and you are very kind person.I apologize for any offense I have ever made to you teech. i hope we will meet again. thank you for a great moments and advice that you have given to us. i will kept in my mind.
alley :)  

Con te Partiro

Goodbyes was never my thing. I'm never good with goodbyes.

Throughout this whole experience, i must say i will miss this semester's English class so much. It has been fun and what a roller coaster ride it is when you have Sir Airil Haimi (well known for his nickname teech) as your lecturer. Though sometimes he did get on my nerves and he annoys me but hey, i did too on so many other people so i guess win win situation lah kan what you give you dapat balik haa gitchu. 

I see things in better perspectives i must say. 

Never in my life i hate English class and after this semester's class, i have never loved English more than i am right now. 

sorry if this wasn't long enough to express my thoughts (and condolences) on this semester's BelHell cause honestly i couldn't stay focus that long cause i am easily distracted and i'll end up munching on something. so yeah. 

       nah belanja gambar zayn satu buat tidur malam ni.


                                                                                  -Fatihah Haroza-

Con Te Partiro

Assalamualaikum!  Hye and hello there :)

Tonight i have finished all my test for this semester.  Alhamdulillah.  I only have to focused on my final.  Hopefully everything will be fine.  Pray for me yea?  As for bel hm hm... im kinda sad (tajuk entry ni pun dah cukup sedih dah).  Tomorrow will be the last class for bell hell.  Im wondering what we gonna do tomorrow since you ask us to prepare envelope.

Con te partiro which means time to say goodbye.  Isk isk :'( i cant deny that your class were among the best class i have been attend.  Not to forget also that this subject was the hardest for me.  But im thankful enough that i met you and you have tough us a lot of things too... and err sometimes you are quite psycho and im like wooooo takutttnyaaaaa.  And also sometimes, you're like my father.  When i see you, i will remember my dad i don't know why.  Tapi... abah tak psiko pun hehe.

Okey what else?  I really really hope that i got good marks for all the test in bell test and also i keep improving my flaws each day to be a better person.  At least, in this critical thinking subject i have learned something.  Im gonna apply it in my life!

Lastly, thanks teech for everything.  I'm sorry for my wrong doing, halalkan semua yang teech bagi and jangan lupa saya tau teech.  Nanti saya kahwin saya jemput teech ye?  Jangan tak datang pulak kih kih. Cewahh...

I dont wanna say goodbye hm... This is too sad omg *shed tears (drama lebih).  I dont know if you like the song (sebab lirik lagu dia emo gilaaa) but i'm gonna dedicate this one for you teech.  See you... tomorrow!


xoxo, keep in touch!

Conte Partiro

I am the one who hates the word of "perpisahan". When i wake up tomorrow morning, i realized this is the last class and we are going to say goodbye to one of our supportive's lecturer in UiTM Sri Iskandar which is TEECH. We had so much fun in your class but sometimes ada lah sikit sikit emosi masa class BEL maybe sebab sangat stress to prepare for test and so on. But i know i am too cute to handle on it. That's why lah. puihh. Selama post blogsss in the foxes ni, entry ni lah paling tak syok sekali. So, i hope this is not the end of our relationship with you,Teech. Please do not forget me :((( as known as SAHARA. (erghhh, terpaksa mengaku, itu je yg boleh buat Teech tak lupa saya)  Even sejauh mana pergi pun, i will remember you as my psycho lecturer in my life. Thank you for all knowledges that you have gave to us and thanks for always supporting in all aspects.Take care and i hope this is not the end, till we meet again :)


Reflection on Rainbow Soldier.

Have you watch it yet? if not, you should have.

Laskar Pelangi was brilliant. It was beautifully made and the story line was flawless (dah rupa pengulas movie acecece) It was one of the movie that touched you from within and you will be more grateful soon after watching the movie. Well at least i am.

It was a story of the poor and like Andrea Hirata himself said "My story is the voice of the voiceless" and indeed it is. It make you realize that even the smallest people brings the biggest value.

Go get the movie from a friend's hardisk or something now cause it is worth watching. 



Sunday 9 March 2014

Preparing for test 3

For test 3, i am going acah acah jadi a reporter from NBC. Not only that, i will also be one of the researcher for an experiment proving that unicorns do exist. To be exact, i am the head researcher. We'll have to come up with living evidences to prove that our experiment isn't some bullshit that you often recognize from ya know, television. We have to make believe to our audiences and we have to answer question from... (fall asleep)

I am super sleepy right now and all these word are making it even worst. Let me just belanja you a gambar of me preparing for the 3.

